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Writer's pictureLuna Avnon


I expect Nature to surprise me and particularly so in the Negev, my home.

The Negev is beautiful, breath-taking: the varied landscapes, the views, the vastness, the dry river beds; the lonely acacia tree that contributes to its surroundings with shadow against the burning sun for humans as well as any other living creature.

If you take all that beautiful and then mix it with the presence of water then you get something very extra-ordinary: an oasis. You do not have to go to Morocco to see one, we have a surprisingly beautiful oasis here in the Negev, Nahal Zik, east of Sade Boker. Every time I come here it is so surprising and such a breath-taking experience as the first time, I saw it; and it is all natural.

We like to take our grandchildren there; you need a jeep or you need to walk there, along the oil route next to Nahal Zin in the Zin Valley.

The road to Nahal Zik is in stark contrast to Nahal Zik filled with real desert views.

Very few acacia trees, the road is not bad for an off- road, but there are rocky steps which during the corona period proved to cause a bottleneck as large numbers of people joined the Negev roads, with less experience in driving off road than could be wished for.

November 2020 the corona pandemic controls Israel

Along the road you may be lucky and see the ibex grazing near the road; to our grandchildren’s joy they are not afraid of our car, continuing their festive meal, while I photographed them through the open window of the car. Is there a photo more typical of the Negev?

If you come after rain, you may see how the desert blooms in colors not seen usually; 4/3/2022

In the far distance you see the Zik Ascent, which you may attempt to climb, but it is steep, full of rocks stones and sand. We, the grandparents, did not consider it worth the risk although our grandchildren would most likely have enjoyed the jumpy road.

Instead before the ascent we turn right on the trail marked Ein Zik. You just turn into the trail and then you see it: every possible nuance of green and tall trees: palm trees, poplars on a background of the mountains surroundings; exquisite.

Perhaps I imagine it, but it seems to me the road is lit by lights, only it is a play in sun light on what looks to me as a papyrus plant, but I was unfortunately unable to find if this is indeed a papyrus plant.

According to the explanation on websites there are ‘hydropholic vegetation’; I assume that means plants fond of water:

We have been several times at Nahal Zik because driving through the desert is a beautiful route, our grandchildren are happy to visit here; it is perfect for picnic.

From above us we are being watched by the black birds:

The vegetation turns into a jungle of green; so unexpected in the middle of the desert.

Nahal Zik starts at Ein Ovdat and flows eastward into Nahal Zin, that continues to the Dead Sea, that is when there is rain and flash floods; mostly it is just a dry river. The vegetation here is unbelievable beautiful almost overwhelming.

Leaving the car and walking among the trees there is a smell of water, humidity and the very tall trees give shadow and the sound of leaves clashing together in the slight breeze.

After rain there are mud and small pools of water so be careful not to step in them.

So tall, I feel so small

In Nahal Zik there is no water pool anymore the digging of the oil line from Eilat to Ashkelon damaged the flow to the pool. We are very lucky that the flow continues and thus keeps the vegetation alive. One theory is that the flow is underground.

Ein Zik is not a fata morgana in the dry hot desert, but real and one of the most beautiful places in the Negev. Photos here from several visits over the last five years; it has not changed much in spite of being overrun during the corona period.

It is the perfect place or a picnic, choose any tree!

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