The Bodleian Library, Oxford Ever since my favorite book shop: Book Depository closed its doors I have had a problem how to get books in...
The Bodleian Library, Oxford Ever since my favorite book shop: Book Depository closed its doors I have had a problem how to get books in...
‘ My Lost Youth’ is an 1855 poem by the American writer Henry Wadsworth Longfellow about his longing for his childhood village; he does...
I am a WASTE WARRIOR, in the words of National Geographic! For three years I have walked along the kibbutz fence and gathered waste and...
Published 1931 this edition from New English Library 1975 284 pages ISBN 450 02667-1 Genre: crime Key words: Peter Wimsey, Galloway,...
I have always liked the taste of Colgate toothpaste, so I have use it for many years. Once upon a time you could buy Colgate tooth paste...
Published 1924; this edition 1953 is the 26th printing 1976 By Pan Books London and Sidney ISBN 0330-10242-7 190 pages, 36 chapters....
Published 2007 by Pocket Books 503 pages 2/5 stars ISBN: 978-1-41652-767-1 Will I read more by this author: not sure. Genre: crime...
Published 2023 by Harper Collins Publishers 342 pages ISBN: 978-0-00-851702-1 5/5 stars I will absolutely read more by this author Genre:...
Published 2022 by Harper Collins Publishers 406 pages ISBN 978-0-00-838507-1 Grade 1/5 Will I read more by this author: NO Genre: crime...
Published 2022 by Harper Collins Publishers 340 pages ISBN 0978-0-0084357609 My grade: 5/5 Genre: crime, cozy Keywords: murder, hotel...
Published 2016 by Berkely, New York 324 pages ISBN 978-1-101-99047-6 Grade 3/5 Genre: crime Keywords: kidnapped 2-year- old, unsolved...
Yesterday the weather forecast had promised rain and wind, winter weather; but the morning was sunny, clear sky, cool but nice. Our...
Published 2017/2023 by Penguin Books 424 pages ISBN: 97801-784-75625-3 Grade 1/5 Genre: crime Keywords: murder, abduction, kidnapping,...
Published 2018 by Constable 344 pages ISBN978-1-4721-2745-7 Grade 5/5 Genre: crime Keywords: The Lake District, UK; burning and...
Published 1987 by Vintage, Penguin. 247 pages. ISBN: 978-0099-75501-2 Grade: 5/5 Will I read more of this author: yes Genre: Fiction,...
This book reminds me of the Japanese Zen dry, Ryōan-ji's garden with asymmetrical larger and smaller rocks on a space of sand raked into...
An American writer, telling a story about Penny, daughter of a French father and a British mother who escaped their families to live in...
My children believe I am a stone-age dinosaur, one of their reasons is that I’m fond of reading a physical newspaper, not just headlines...
The Faroe Islands is an archipelago, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean between Iceland and Scotland. There are 18 islands connected by...
Published by New English Library, originally 1930 this edition 1973 Book 5 in the series of Peter Wimsey ISBN 450-01392-8 192 pages Grade...